Accueil > Mots-clés > Auteur > Doina Petrescu , social public space, atelier d’architecture autogérée (…)
Doina Petrescu , social public space, atelier d’architecture autogérée (aaa), architecte,université de Sheffield, recherche et d’intervention dans la ville, réseau interdisciplinaire, pratiques urbaines interstitielles
How to make a community as well as the space for it
8 décembre 2006, par Doina Petrescu
Artists, philosophers and political theorists have critically approached the notion of community, trying to understand the sense of ‘being-in-common’ beyond the generic and undifferentiated term. They have introduced a notion of community that exists only through time and space determinates, in the very articulation of person-to-person, of being-to-being ; suggesting that the politics of community cannot be separated from the politics of place.
‘Community to come’
The term ‘community’, (…)
How to make a community as well as the space for it
1er janvier 2016, par Doina Petrescu
Artists, philosophers and political theorists have critically approached the notion of community, trying to understand the sense of ‘being-in-common’ beyond the generic and undifferentiated term. They have introduced a notion of community that exists only through time and space determinates, in the very articulation of person-to-person, of being-to-being ; suggesting that the politics of community cannot be separated from the politics of place.
‘Community to come’
The term ‘community’, (…)